Songs & Sweets 2022: Open Seating sales stopped: Tickets will be available at the Main Lobby door

By Lansing Theater & Performing Arts Booster Club (other events)

Monday, December 5 2022 6:30 PM 8:00 PM EST

Join us for LTAPA's 2022 fundraiser, Songs & Sweets, Monday, December 5th at 6:30 pm. Open Seating is located in Music Wing room 107. The room is perfect for anyone that needs to be able to move around during the concert and is a great alternative for guests with infants, small children, or anyone wanting more space than the auditorium seating provides. This room is also used for overflow seating once the auditorium has sold out. The event is viewed onscreen as a LIVE FEED from the Auditorium. Note: There may be times when event activities could be out of camera range.

Enjoy musical performances by groups from all three schools, savor the sweet treats provided by LTAPA, and join in the fun by purchasing raffle tickets for a chance to win a variety of prizes! Raffle tickets are available to adults (18+) with cash or check only. This event has completely sold out in past years so be sure to purchase your tickets today!

ONLINE TICKET SALES WILL END AT 9 AM on 12/5/22.  If there are any remaining seats, they will be available for sale at the Middle School Main Entrance door that evening.